The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Patron Nils Davis

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Well, after more than 400 days of writing every day, I accidentally broke my streak yesterday. It had to happen, of course, but it’s a little sad. So today I started again – currently a streak of 1 day, which doesn’t sound like much, but it will grow.

I get so much value from the writing I do every day, whether I really do it in the morning, or last thing at night or at random times. Most of my blog posts start as flights of fancy in 750words. The book I’m about to publish (mostly made of those blog posts) has been conceptualized, planned, tracked, and of course mostly written in 750words. The book launch and marketing plan… all done in 750words. And in this year of losing a job, figuring out what to do in my life, and attacking various new ventures and learnings, 750words has been a constant – and will continue to be one, streak or no.

Nils Davis (in progress as I write, but soon to be a real website!)

Testimonial Note from Nils Davis on Tue, Nov 14

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