The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Ainsley Christine

4 cups

750 Words has been the place where, for over 1700 consecutive days and over 5 nonconsecutive years, I have spilled my thoughts. I’ve planned novels, college essays, and plays; I’ve worked through depression and disappointment and confusion; I’ve chronicled middle school through now my first semester at college, and in every little green rectangle lives at least 750 words of the story of my life, archived in the moment without self-censorship. That is a gift that I will never be able to repay the whole team here for, but please know how much it means to me – and as an American on Thanksgiving, it just seems fitting to expend four cups of patronage and a few moments to let you know how much this site has meant to me over the years, and the incredible positive impact it has had on my life!!

Testimonial Note from Ainsley Christine on Wed, Nov 25

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