The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Patron Hal Tepfer

10 cups

It was five years ago (tomorrow) that I started this unbroken chain of writing. Tomorrow, I will begin year six. I don’t know that I have ever done anything (anything!) as regularly as my writing on this web site (personal grooming aside…sort of). I’ve had an interesting relationship with this rock as I push it – every day – up the hill. Some days, I’m running at full gallop at it, and find my self surprisingly not winded when it’s atop this hill , and other days, every inch of the push is my own private hell. And, that’s the beauty of this site, isn’t it? To know that it’s here, to know that it’s waiting for me to deal with the flow and the blocks, the creative and the mundane, It’s a barrier and it’s a door and for that I’m grateful and happy.

Testimonial Note from Hal Tepfer on Tue, Mar 31

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