The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Grace Liew

1 cup

Writing about mundane things has always scared me. It takes too long, goes nowhere, and usually comes with this guilt, telling me that I should be thinking about bigger things, more ‘important’ things, instead of wallowing in thoughts about riding the subway. So my approach to writing gradually moved towards ‘only write about consequential things,’ which doesn’t amount to much at the end of the day on most days. 750words kickstarted that raw, unfiltered journaling again, and in the process helped brush up my skills. I end up writing much more, much sharper – and the guilt is gone because I’m writing with a time limit in mind, try to limit my backspacing, and am effectively learning to train the flow of freewriting. (not to mention I’m pretty obsessed with the badges!)

Testimonial Note from Grace Liew on Fri, Aug 06

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