The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from geophf

5 cups

Do you know where I get my inspiration from?

From your notes of inspiration.

When I read that you met some personal challenge to write so many days, or so many words, and you did that, and doing that, you now believed in yourself?

Or you set yourself to write, but then you failed, and you beat yourself up, or you forgave yourself, and you vowed to do better next time, and you did, or you didn’t, but you tried again, when you wouldn’t have pushed yourself in your life this way before …

And succeeding here, or failing, you took that into your own life, and you had a baby, and became a better mother, or you finished school, or you got a job, …

And you looked in the mirror, and you saw yourself, and you liked the person you saw, finally, for the first time in your life, or finally, again, after a very long, long time …

When, at 9 am, each morning, I read these words as I prepare for my daily morning meeting at work, …

My day could’ve have been bad or good or blah or exciting, but reading your notes, your thoughts, dreams, and resolutions, my day just became way better than it was, no matter how it was, because I see you, struggling, trying, succeeding, crying, and I’m happy to know you, another human being, doing the best that you can, and surprising yourself that you can do even better than you possibly imagined you ever could, you being who you thought you were.

And it’s all because was there, and you chose to write.

Please keep writing, please keep sharing your victories and failures, your struggles and successes.

Your inspiration inspires me.

love, geophf

Testimonial Note from geophf on Tue, May 21

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