The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Cynthia T. Hsu

1 cup

Dear Buster and Kellianne,

Your generosity is incredibly amazing; thank you so much for the gift of lifetime membership. I’m sorry to say that I tried in the past month to wean myself off 750 words, and I’ve come to realize how reassuring it is to escape into this simple yet encouraging interface and beat out everything that’s been preoccupying me for the day. Even if I’m not a serious enough writer to ever get a badge for anything more than a 5 day streak, I think just having so much encouragement to log in and type out my thoughts when I can has been phenomenally cathartic. So thanks so much for not only creating this site, but also for doing everything you can to make this work out and encourage all of us to stay with you. You are amazing. And that little badge I just received that says I’m a patron… it’s amazing how heartwarming it is to see it. I’m glad that I’ve finally decided to contribute to a really incredible service. Best wishes to you and your family, and thank you so much for everything that you’ve done!

Testimonial Note from Cynthia T. Hsu on Tue, Apr 02

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