The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from J E S S I C A

1 cup

750 Words has been a wonderful way for me to write down my day. I have had diaries with pen and paper but it just doesn’t work for me. And I figured out why. It’s because when I would be writing my hand would start hurting and my handwriting would get sloppy but here when my hands start hurting it doesn’t matter cause I will still be able to read it. Also, I love typing and I think really fast and so my hands can keep up better with my thoughts as opposed to me writing it out I’d have to slow my brain down. lol

Anyways, this site has been awesome! January was the first month I completed a whole month. I’m super proud and hope to finish a year!

Thanks!!! :D

Testimonial Note from J E S S I C A on Fri, Feb 01

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