The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Sharon

2 cups

Sometimes it’s drivel … just typing those words to stack them up endlessly like old poker chips with no value behind them.

Sometimes it’s a to-do list or complaining about this or that.

Sometimes it’s flying high on a good feeling and wanting to capture every detail so I can remember some day when I need it, like “catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day.”

One day, I tried writing with the radio on … the whole 750 words was song lyrics. I couldn’t help myself!

But then, the month was OVER, and I had DONE IT! I had completed the 750words one-month challenge! And because I had only missed ONE day in January, I was well on my way to yet another badge.

So the next month (March 2012), I dared myself to not only complete another one-month 750words challenge, but to ALSO earn the badge for writing 50,000 words in one month.

The writing got richer. I can’t stack several thousand words a day like meaningless poker chips. I have to say something meaningful sooner or later. And the more meaningful writing I did, the easier it was to do MORE meaningful writing!

I earned that badge for writing 50,000 words in March. I’m back to writing just 750 words every day. I recently earned the badge for a 100-day streak. I’m on day 109 now.

I don’t plan to stop.

If I did, I would miss out on discovering what I have to say!

Good luck with YOUR challenge. For me, it continues to be worth the effort!

Testimonial Note from Sharon on Fri, Apr 20

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